Friday, November 23, 2007

Hi everyone! My apologies for not posting lately. I promise to take some purse pics tomorrow. Meanwhile, check out one of the reasons I've been so eldest daughter graduated from culinary school this month, receiving her A.O.S. degree in culinary arts and Le Cordon Bleu Diplome. Congrats, Chef Rachel!

Note: In the photo, she is giving me a nice hug, and not trying to squeeze money out of me. I'm pretty sure there isn't any left. Next kid better get scholarships!

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Mitzi - Vintage Goodness said...

I took a peek at your blogs, they are great! I'm definitely adding this one to my kindred links list, and I'm sure I'll be surfing through all the posts for another hour or so...

I love buying and selling vintage purses, they are so fun. Hope you sign up for the newsletter, I'm sure I'll do a purse theme week and I would love to see what you could contribute! Well not just purses, of course, I'm sure you have all kinds of goodness...

VintagePurseGal said...

Hi Mitzi! Let me know when you're doing your purse week and I'll try to get an article together for you. Also, I'll be sure to check out your auctions!