Sunday, November 4, 2007

Straw Mushroom Purse. 1960s/70s. Maker: Bags by Patricia. Funky and fab purse circa the hippie era, made of wrapped and woven straw and featuring a psychedelic design of raffia ‘shrooms, flowers and leaves. This handbag was gifted to me by the lovely, talented and very generous Miss Holly, whose blog, Sweetheartville, I command you to visit. Holly also has a booth in an antique mall. See her post of October 23, 2007 for details.

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Holly Hall said...

Thanks for the kind words! I'm so thrilled you like it!

VintagePurseGal said...

Holly, you have no idea how happy it made me. Your timing was perfect. I've just left a comment on your site, but if you see this first, mosey over to Wendy Dager is Not Famous and you can see why I was out of sorts for so long. Still not 100 percent, but, it's a mom's job to worry...apparently, forever!

Mitzi - Vintage Goodness said...

These purses are just too much! It reminds me of a sale I went to this summer where I bought 3 huge boxes of all different kinds of vintage purses. I wanted to keep a few, but the practical side of me put them on eBay. I still have a few left in my store if you want to check them out! I probably still have photos of all of them too if you needed them for anything...